I’m usually ready to go anywhere at a moment’s notice, work pending. See something on Facebook? Tag me and I’m there. Heard about something from a friend of a friend? I’ll grab my purse. Got a last-minute ticket to the game? Let me put on pants. (We’ll discuss my aversion to pants on another day.) I’m an only child, so my siblings are all self-selected and super spectacular each in their own way. One of those friends happens to have the same “stay ready” attitude that I do. (But she mostly wears pants) After attending many random events together, she dubbed me her #SocialSister. Now, I should note, that she has a real-life blood sister who I was friends with first but being an only child I don’t venture into “real sibling” dynamics because the entire concept just boggles my mind!

My #SocialSister, Jessica, is one of the few other women that I know that is into sports more than I am. She leans closer to basketball and I lean closer to football, but we’ll watch anything with a score and cute clothes to buy in support of the home team. Together we have mastered the art of attending Mavericks games with the perfect balance of socializing at the bar with our favorite bartender and actually seeing the action. #MFFFL Her knowledge of the history and backstory of every member of the team rivals the play-by-play announcers. I don’t know how she keeps up with it all.
If that wasn’t impressive enough, she is technically my #DR.SocialSister, as she has her doctorate from Texas A&M University and a thriving career in education. (When those chirren and administration will let her and her allergies be great.)
Needless to say, I sure know how to pick them.
Learn more about Jessica and follow her on Instagram at @missdrlong and while you’re there, wish her a Happy Birthday!
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